ISSN 2334-9492 (Online)

About the Journal

The Hospital Pharmacology – International Multidisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2334-9492 Online) is an online, peer-reviewed, open-access, international journal which publishes: quantitative and qualitative original scientific and research papers, investigator-initiated studies, clinical trials, results of commercial studies approved by sponsor, results of translational studies, review articles, systematic reviews, short communications, case reports, education articles, papers regarding drug use in all medical disciplines, information on changes and applicability of legislation related to drug marketing, results of random control of quality of registered drugs, as well as applicability of legislation during clinical trials. Especially important is an advancement of pharmacovigilance in Serbia through presentation of annual follow-up results of side-effects of drugs and comparison of results with the EU countries. The Journal also publishes editorials, articles on hot topics, letters to the editor, book reviews, comments, invitations and announcements, as well as thematic issues. It seeks to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, pharmaceutical industries and healthcare sector.

The Journal is published online three times per year by the Section of Clinical Pharmacology of the Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

Subscription fee
The Journal supports open-access policy and provides free and unlimited access to its content (full-text articles) over the internet, so no subscription fee is needed.

The Hospital Pharmacology and/or its publisher and/or editorial members cannot be held responsible for any error or for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this journal.

Discussion, views and recommendations as to medical procedures, choice of drugs and drug dosages are the responsibility of the authors.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal should not have been published before or be under simultaneous consideration for publication by any other journal.

All manuscripts will be subjected to peer-review. Those of high quality (not previously published and not already under consideration for publication) will be published without delay.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication.

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should be addressed to:
Primarius Dragana Maca Kastratović, MD, PhD

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